Classy short hairstyle is still the most popular and frequently chosen pulled up style for all ages. Furthermore, short is perfect lifesaver for bad hair days that’s why almost all women opt for simple short hairstyle. This year simple short hairstyle has been upgraded with new modern twists that will transform your simple short hairstyle into a dazzling accessory.
When talking about latest short hairstyles one can mention zillion options to create fabulous short hairstyle. The following examples of celebrity short hairstyles for summer will inspire you to create gorgeous look in less than five minutes.
First style to be mentioned is classy sleek short completed with a braid. In order to create this style first straighten your hair and then tie it in a high tight short. Take a thin strand, braid it and wrap the braid around the band. At last, secure the style with a pin and hairspray for long lasting hairstyle.
Summer hairstyle should be more relaxed and natural so soft wavy and messy short hairstyle will be just perfect for hot summer days. If you are blessed with natural curls and waves, you will have nothing to do but apply shine serum and create low short. In the case you have sleek hair; you can tie it in a low side tail, and then curl the edges with large barrel curling iron. You can also leave few strands to frame your face.
Cute hair accessory can be a great option for summer hairstyle and next style to be mentioned is low short completed with headband. Headband can be a fabulous trick to hide greasy hair so choose headband suitable for your outfit and wear it with your short hairstyle.
If you want to create feminine and romantic look, you can create voluminous short hairstyle. First, tease the roots on the crown area and create low tail. Then curl the edges and finish the look with shine spray.
Last short hairstyle to be mentioned is braided tail that is oh so popular among celebs. Braided short hairstyle will be perfect option for both casual and formal outfits and you will need less than five minutes to create smashing look. In order to create this style first create high tight short, then braid the edges and secure the style with a rubber band.